Strategic Prayer
Pray4Dearborn exists for a singular, focused purpose: to prompt strategic prayer for a disciple making movement among the Muslim people of Dearborn, Michigan. Throughout history, extraordinary prayer has been at the core of any significant movement of God. This principle will continue to hold true until the end of time.
Why Pray?
Throughout history, extraordinary prayer has been at the core of any significant movement of God. This principle will continue to hold true until the end of time. When someone decides to repent and follow Jesus, it is nothing short of a miracle; pure, divine intervention. We as human beings have no power to change anyone’s heart in the slightest manner. In John 6:44, Jesus said, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him…” Recognizing our complete inability to have any eternal impact through our own strength, we intend to humbly approach God’s throne pleading for the salvation of a city and a people we love.